
If USC has a pipeline out of SCU and Clemson from CESA, great!!! CESA kids are going to other great schools too, as are SCU kids. I've seen the Clemson coaches at my son's Academy games...and my son's R3 team games and scrimmages (he's not going to Clemson...they are looking at other kids). So they aren't just recruiting CESA kids, altho they are clearly taking advantage of their proximity. Why not? Same with USC and SCU.

The u16 Academy coach at CSA in Charlotte is Jeremy Gunn. Guess where a lot of those kids go? His opponent yesterday coaches the CASL u16's....and a bunch of their kids go to UNC. There are 3-4 kids from my son's Academy team going to Davidson (asst coach is the u16 Academy coach).

All positives......not negatives. I don't understand why more schools AREN'T networking.