
Thats all you got,come on!!And Im sorry if I hurt your feeling chief....you are still an IDIOT!!And will always be in my book!!

Gee, Tranny I am starting to think you do not like me! First you call me an “A$$h0le” (yes I know you deleted it later but it is the thought that counts) and now “IDIOT”. I was greatly hurt by your comments and almost have been unable to function since I read them, but your apology makes it all better now.

Yea right! Now get real you nit-wit, like I would care about your book and how you judge me. You on here griping about some arbitrary ranking because your little star didn’t get enough credit in your mind for all her goals, well yes that’s the kind of person whose opinion would be of great importance to me. Perhaps I should reexamine my belief system based on your sagely comments, I will get right on that!

In the mean time you can continue to fuss about the rankings and bragging about your 2 state titles earned at 3A when your team was there because your school stayed down even though they were 4A sized, but then again we have been over that and there is no need to rehash it is there? You know I posted early this season that I hoped RHS won 4A this year because it would have been nice to see them make the jump to 4A and win it all, and erase any doubt. Too bad it did not happen, now we will always have to wonder if they could have won those titles if they were playing were they belonged!

Now I will go back to staying out of your way as you bemoan and fuss about “stats”, seems to me you used to hate any stats I put up, but I regress. In fact I would have just said nothing but since you seemed concerned for my feeling I just wanted to let you know I was ok. Good luck in your battle with the ranking committee, maybe you can get the justice you are seeking!