
What makes you think the Academy does not currently use it’s developmental “pool” players in any “meaningful way?” Is this the opinion of a current developmental player (or parent) you have spoken to, your personal opinion, or something else? And what exactly do you mean by “meaningful way”? Keep in mind that the developmental players typically play on other teams that are their number one priorities. They go to Academy games/practices when it works for them.

Regarding team selection, is there a player you feel should be on the roster who is not? If so, do you know for a fact they were not offered a spot? (vs them being offered a spot, and deciding to go another route) Looking at the number of players on the rosters, I would have a very difficult time believing there is a deserving player out there who tried out, but was not offered a spot. I would more easily believe that after or during tryouts, but prior to the rosters being posted, the player (and parents) discussed their situation with the staff, and decided to go in another direction (for whatever reasons). I’m not going to tell you it did not happen, stated as a fact; I would just have a hard time believing it based on what/who I know (which is certainly not everyone & everything) and the amount of time we’ve been involved.

I'm also not sure what you mean by school bias – there are players who attend schools that range from the smallest (including AC Flora) to the largest, with everything in between.