I attended last night's R3PL East match between Discoveries 95 Green (boys) and SC United Elite and have never been prouder to be a part of SC youth soccer.

As many of you may know, DSC 95 Green lost one of its players, Clifton Carter, last month in a tragic accident that has devistated the local soccer community. Last night's game was DSC's first game since Clifton's passing and was a very emotional game for the team and the literally hundreds of supporters in attendance.

Prior to the game, both teams lined up at mid field to honor Clifton and recognize his parents. SCU coach Dick Hiller presented the Carters with a special SCU game jersey that displayed SCU and DSC club crests as well as a donation to the DSC scholarship fund in Clifton's name. Coach Hiller's presentation was a display of unity and sportsmanship for which the entire SC United family should be very proud. Absolutely the highest level of class and sportsmanship. Well done SCU!

As for the match, DSC eventually won 2-1 in an understandibly emotional game, however both teams (and parents/fans)deserve to be commended for their display of sportsmanship and unity.