
Calling players out period. As an IRMO parent and booster I hope this group of young men takes your criticism and uses it as motivation. Let the games begin! Good luck to all the teams and especially all the Seniors!

In all seriousness you know how much trash the people from "IRMO" talk each year? I don't know if they're fanboys, alumni, whatever...and, personally, I don't care. Manchester gives us all a documented diatribe about every match for Christ sake.

They're the team everyone loves to hate...

I mean the fact that you capitalize every letter in the word Irmo...give me a break. They're also the team lighting up a HS soccer state championship event with more booze, misguided teen bravado and asinine fan support than a USC home game. Except for the last three years, Carolina has been able to win a tough game...

Don't be that wiener parent that can dish it out but can't take it. Nobody likes that guy. It's all too common in our society today, especially from people who think they're something that they are not.


(say it with me now)


You'd be a lot better off.