
Let me preface this by saying that the majority of parents that I deal with are great people, care for their kids and don't make a mountain out of a mole hill. I have been involved in baseball (as a player) and I don't think soccer parents are unique......however:

This past weekend, I was at a youth tournament in SC. I was coaching a U10 girls team. During one of the U10 girls games, that was a one-sided affair at the moment. The ref was late in blowing a whistle on a offsides violation against my team. One of the other teams parents screamed at the ref to make a call, and used profanity in doing so. The referee looked over to the area of the fan, and the fan was yelling "Yeah it was me, it was me..." and began walking onto the field toward the referee. The referee was very calm, but firm and told the man the return. He continued to walk up into the referee's face and continued to berate him. The ref then told the man he was ejected and he had to leave immediately.

It was an ugly scene, I have 7,8 and 9 year old girls watching this entire episode.....and did I mention it was a U10 girls game ? Not a final, not between two teams even challenging to make the finals.

Second story, same tournament. My son was an AR in this tournament. Made an offsides call against a team early in a U11 boys game that called back a goal the team scored. The team ended up losing 2-1. A parent immediately after the game approached my son and the other AR and the CR demanding to see their referee credentials. My son had his USSF card with him and his badge and showed it to him. He also asked my son his age and my son told him. This parent went to the officials area and complained about the lack of experience of the crew, my son included. He has called academy games this season and was excited to be in his first tournament. I didn't see the call so I don't know if it was correct or not, the CR agreed with him so I tend to think it was a good one. But it really saddens me to see a parent confront a referee immediately after the game. A U11 game.......did I mention it was a U11 game ?

I saw many other examples of poor behavior by parents toward their children, referees and coaches. It really was disheartening. A coach I used to assist with, told me he wished he had a team of orphans because all his problems would be gone. He was exaggerating, of course, but I understand his point very lucidly now.

Sorry you had to go through that.
I hope the refs from both games filed reports to SCYSA. Tell your son in the future to report being approached after the game by parents and second tell him to never, ever show any type of credential to anyone after a game. He doesn't have to give his name or anything. Tell him to tell anyone that approaches him that if they have a problem to contact the tournament officials or if it is a league game to contact the league.
Refs are under no obligation to reveal names or cards or anything else to anyone after a game and they should report any attempts to do this after a game. It is entirely unacceptable.
