There are 3 sides to this discussion:

1) The "bad parents" side.
2) The young referee's side.
3) The home club's side.

#1. As it regards their children, parents ROUTINELY behave badly. As it regards their money/investment, multiply by 2. because this is expected behavior, there must be a solid plan in place to address it.
#2. Because of #1, newly minted referees -- indeed, ALL referees -- must develop situational deafness to ALL parental comments and behaviors, excluding REPEATED profanity and/or overtly threatening behavior. Not excusing poor behavior, but if you can't handle it correctly, you don't belong in that role.
My son officiates. I have told him to ignore spectators UNLESS AND UNTIL their behavior is SO BAD IT MUST BE ADDRESSED. Then, and only then, politely warn and then firmly eject.
#3. The home club/venue must ACTIVELY discourage poor behavior through a well-publicized warning/ejection/suspension process, and provide security WHEN NEEDED. If a club consistently fails to do so, it should be warned, then fined, then de-certified by SCYSA. (Which might be dreaming on my part, as nobody at SCYSA has EVER shown me much of anything but greed.)