Lee and Chris are solid players. I dont know if i would call either one of them "insanely good" but then again I haven't seen many players THAT good. Do they deserve to be mentioned with the BEST in the state? No. That is a pretty high mark because there are a lot of great players in South Carolina, but dont get me wrong, those guys are good.

Lee is a good player. Yeah, he does dive sometimes, yeah he argues with the reff, but he uses things like that to his advantage usually by getting in people's heads and throwing them off of their game or setting up scoring opportunities for his team so if i were playing against him i would definatly keep my eye on him the entire game. As far as scoring Chris is a great player off of the dribble and him and Lee work together pretty well... and they have to because they dont get that much help from the rest of their teamates. When one of the players for Wilson other than them score it is usually because Lee or Chris put them in a great position to score. I would have them on my team any day.