
@ Clover

Clover- 2
Gaffney- 0

Pretty interesting refereeing tonight. 4 yellow cards given to GHS players with no previous warnings, for pretty normal fouls that you would see on any night. (Ive seen worse with no cards) Then on the other side the same player that the 4 cards were centered around was given numerous warnings throughout the game for his fouls, only to be given his first card with less than 10 to play. Unusual to see a player (not named Messi) protected like that at the highschool level.

Was the player you mention from the same continent as Messi?

If we don't protect players, with this type of special talent, from some of the "thugs" who try to ruin the "beautiful game", we won't have those players around long enough to appreciate them.

Kids play sports because they find it fun. Eliminate the fun and soon you eliminate the kid.