
Answer: For the real player -- the one with the game in his heart, BOTH.

My kid played 1 year of HS.....followed by 2 years of NC Academy. Played 4 years of SC club in the Fall, last 2 R3PL.

I would agree with the above....in an ideal world, both is the right answer.

But i can tell you....that at our HS and at most of the HS's up here....that passion and support isn't there like at Clover. Fort Mill has its moments as does Northwestern. But thats about it.

Both my daughter and my son have played club with Clover kids. Its one of those places.....where they really support each other. Kids come out to a local tournament or a club match to cheer for their friends. They just support each other in a way my wife and I have kind of sadly envied.

If a kid could play Academy AND play at a Wando or an Irmo (or a Clover) thats probably the best thing holistically for the kid.

But the vast majority of schools don't have either the level of play or the environment. So sadly.....its a moot point.

My son didn't blink when he had to make the choice....and he never looked back. Would he have loved to have stepped out on the field with the Clover kids? Heck yea!! But he wouldn't have traded Academy for it.

For what its worth.