Legendary: Actually, many of the Mt. Pleasant-based (Wando) kids chose Academy PRECISELY because of travel and training. A typical Academy training week includes two "local" sessions (either Columbia or Mt. Pleasant) and a "full" session in Columbia. Occasionally, there are full session in Orangeburg. This, as opposed to multiple drives to Greenville, supplemented by limited co-ed training sessions in the Lowcountry.
Academy IS more convenient for the Mount P. kids.
As to the whole club-vs.-Academy dialogue, can't we all just agree that there are plenty of great players at BOTH academy and CESA? And that a single high school match won't decide which of the non-interscholastic training environments is "better"?
It's a state championship game. Two VERY good teams, as it SHOULD be at this stage.
One final point, if school attendance figures were THAT relevant, Mann wouldn't be where it is. So let's put that one to bed.