
Why was there no word passed along since December? Who decides the wild card and when? How long did the SCUMP Board know they were the wild card? Why only give a team two weeks notice? Wreaks of being unorganized!

Were some states still playing their State Cup with winners undecided until the first weekend in June? I am pretty sure that's when GA played their SC finals. They can't set the brackets, and often can't determine wild cards until all of the State Cup winners are decided. The wild cards can be complicated since the winners of R3PL E, W, and C qualify for Regions. However, if that same team is the winner of their SC, the wild card to the next place in R3PL, and so on until they get to a team not already qualified and a team that accepts the wild card invitation.

It can complicated with certain things falling into alignment just right for a team to qualify as a wild card. Then there's the matter of accepting the invitation at a late date.