What is the fianl solution? If I were the AD, I would do a tiered program. Raising, girls soccer and maybe another sport to the same status as Football.

Run it the same way, 7th and 8th grade teams. This makes bus expenses optimum, 44 players per trip. Play 7th and 8th back to back, refs come for two short matches. As things go add a C - Team. Mirror image the football team! Pay the head soccer coach, real money.

On the treatment side of things, have a pep band, some spirit support - with a paid director like cheer has, everything. Game day flyer football quality, to cover all spring sports, main focus soccer. (just like football) Have a week long pep event, like homecoming. You take all bias off the table, you add huge numbers at a minimum cost, do not have to build any fields. Locker rooms may be an issue, of wait, they get the football lockers in the Spring, so that's not an issue either.

Kill it in one shot. Then SC will produce D1 players in soccer just like we do in the wierd shaped football. (please do not argue this alone, will not, but long term pressure etc. more kids to club to be able to play, and so on, will)

One can dream... It would be legal, too.

In our location, you can prove you are meeting the desires of the girls without a survey. Looking at local soccer interest, there are 9 organizations, at 17 locations offering soccer in Spartanburg. Our neighboring county has particiaption at every middle school. You could easily draw a conclusion, that would stand up to review, that soccer is what the girls want.

Last edited by It is, what It is!; 07/04/12 01:49 PM.