"A subtle observation, Big Daddy - Hat Trick 1408 posts, how many on soccer, or sports, how many on education? Just keeping it real."

This is a soccer forum. My posts are usually about soccer.

However when the topic veers onto the fringes of politics I'll say my piece. I think the stated facts in your first sentence in the above post is absurd and reflects the twisted reality that certain segments in America have become. We bring sports into school and church into school and partisan politics into school.

I totally disagree that the stereotypical Japanese system, whatever that might be, is the "ideal" system of education. Memorization and repetition don't teach critical thinking or problem solving skills. Nor do they nurture creativity. I'm not criticizing the Japanese. if it works for them, awesome.

Again, take your hundreds of thousands of dollars spend on HS football and the tens of millions spent on collegiate football and instead of trying to impose "fairness" by spending more on non-sports such as a pep band or cheerleaders and calling them sports.....instead, hire more and better teachers and pay them better. Make sure ALL kids have access to the latest in technology as well as the ancient classics.

And kids shouldn't have to borrow tens of thousands of dollars to go to USC for 4 years while the football coach makes $3-4m per year and 85 kids go to school for free.