Just reviewed some info from another district in Spartanburg. The info was recieved from a FOIA request.

Middle schools were very similar to District 2. Over 100 more male athletes per school, than females. (plenty of sports could be added to close or eliminate that gap)

The high school was a mirror to District 2, except it has a C team for softball, and baseball, we have neither. The real athletic gap is almost an exact match for BSHS. I feel certain an OCR review would come to the same answer of a failure to give girls a fair chance on participation. Lacrosse is at most schools in the region, so they could easily field this sport.

The warm up game status is the same for the girls basketball program.

The most obvious treatment issue is football versus everyone else. The players get cleats (seriously) from the program. I have not seen that at other locations, kind of a wierd. Also the football program gets much more travel, publicity, and support. They did not call BSHS on the treatment side but this is so, much more of a differnce it could be called. IMHO it should be a failure.

On the support of this program, they get more in the off season than any sport I see has in season. Camps, drill practices, travel, workout sessions, positional work/camps, etc.

Note I do not mind the boys getting this, just the girls not getting same. SC is at the very bottom of equity in the area. It seems this group is really looking into some of these deltas. I hope they do some good work. My only pause,..., why were they not looking and doing before?