I never said I agreed with the rewrite of the rules regarding roster minimums, and I don't. Especially considering the "convenience" of the timing. But, when we were all speculating back in May/June about CESA possibly officially splitting its rosters, I suggested that clubs with teams we thought would be next in line for a spot (maybe 3rd place at cup without an automatic bid) should make "what if" inquiries to SCYSA as well as getting applications submitted "just in case".

I really don't know the answer to this, but of those possibly "next in line" and likely "more deserving" teams how many actually made the inquiries and submitted the applications? Those that did should have a real beef if they didn't get in, but how many actually tried?

Regardless, that beef shouldn't be with the girls of the '97 CESA team. I doubt they got a vote, and like any group of kids on any team representing SC in R3PLE the first year is usually tough and we need to give them a chance to respond to the challenge of a higher level league.

Did coaches, DOC's for the other "more deserving" teams actually apply?