
I can see both sides of the argument.

I agree that training time on the field is the most vital part of player development.

I would also say that playing against top flight competition during match play is also good for player development.

I am not a CESA guy, but I respect what they do and think by and large they turn out a pretty good product.

Hard headed you sound like you have sour grapes because you feel your child was wronged.

Soccer mom as long as you and your daughter are happy and feel like you are getting what you pay for then that is really all that matters.

GWS cesa had the sour grapes when mine decided to play somewhere else so they would not let her be with the team at reginals even though she couldnt play because of a injury. That did cause some sour grapes for me. As far as me bashing cesa about their training is not sour grapes but a fact. It is showing in their play. If a parent is happy with that then more power to them.
How about you explain to me what good product they are turning out these days. Just putting kids in ecnl and saying 'HERE, GO PLAY IN FRONT OF COLLEGE COACHES" is not a good product. The training last year was bad.