

wow how low can you all go?.....taking pot-shots at a kid's dream to play college ball at CU.
why so bitter?
hopefully, these hate comments aren't coming from parents.

Where is the pot shot? There is none. Great if she wants to go to Clemson.

The point is 1for has been stating how they are wanting to be the best and part of it.

That's the point. You do all that and settle for a program that is down.

Do all of what??? You act like CESA parents go to the moon in a space shuttle for their kids to play ball. Just incase you didn't know, we don't. Our fees are normal compared to others in the area, we travel as much as any other club in the state. I am not sure what the big deal is. My daughter is getting great training and we are very happy with what CESA has to offer. I am not sure why there is so much animosity towards our club and what we do for our children.

And it is a pot-shot when you down a child's dream because it does not fit into what your opinion of "Top-Tier" is....
Tell me cajunkid about your club and its accomplishments and where you are with your soccer career....