For whatever reason the HSL has choosen to not allow homeschool athletic teams all over SC to participate in HSL sanctioned tournaments, not only in soccer but all other sports as well. I am speaking for Providence Athletic Club, which has been allow to participate for the last three years in various tournaments and has enjoyed the competition and I believe others have benefited from our participation. It is our hope that this decision will be adjusted to allow our athletes the opportunity to be apart of the tournaments offered throughout the state. PAC comes for the competition and the family friendly environment; sometimes we win, sometimes we lose but whatever the outcome our teams look forward to the thrill of being in a tournament. It is not our goal to force our way into the play-offs or championships. It is our hope that we would be supported by the coaches and soccer programs that we have developed relationships with over the past three years. You all have been wonderful accepting us into your tournaments and giving us games from the very beginning, for that I want to say Thank You! Our soul objective is to let these kids play and create memories of playing High School soccer (for my kids)and the various other sports this ruling is affecting as well!
I wish you all the best as you begin your conditioning and hope to see you this spring in games and tournaments this spring!

Jennifer Aurednik
Providence Athletic Club
Athletic Director