I know this sounds terrible and I don’t mean it to… But, I sometimes think the home-school community wants their cake and to eat it too. There are ramifications for our decisions. If you decide that our public schools do not meet your needs, then they don’t meet your needs. One should not be allowed, in my opinion, to cherry-pick what they like or don’t like about our public schools. When a family makes a choice, and it is a choice, to home-school, these are the ramifications. There are sacrifices we all make when we make important decisions. If this course were to continue, where would it end? Should a parent be allowed to send their child to the math teacher at the local high school but still home-school in other subjects? Do not misunderstand me. I am not against home-schooling. My niece home-schools. Her kids are awesome. I have a lot of respect for her and I love her kids, all 6 of them. I know home-school families pay taxes. And I also know that they benefit indirectly when the public at-large is educated, when the girl at the check-out can make correct change, for example. I also know that we all pay taxes for our police and fire protection. But, I don’t see us being allowed to drive the fire truck.
I apologize if that sounds raw. It is just one person's opinion and not intended to persuade or influence the decisions of others.

The Weather Is Here. Wish You Were Beautiful.