

1. Are students required to try out for a team?
2. If a student wants to play for a school team, expresses, that desire, has the grades, meets all the qualifications of attending that school, does that mean that he will automatically be placed on that team?
3. Are athletic teams a requirement by the law?
4. If a student in a certain district attends a school that does not have a sport that he wants to participate in and another school in that same district has that sport, is he required to transfer to that school or can said student participate in that sport at a school he does not attend as long as he is a student in that district?

The answers should help shed some light on your questions

1. No, participation in athletics is completely optional--unless you're asking if students have to try out in order to be placed on a team, in which case the answer in most cases is yes.
2. No--see #1.
3. No, except for Title IX requirements that mandate a balance of opportunities for both genders.
4. According to League rules, a student attending a school that does not offer a particular sports program can play that sport at another public school that is a member of the same district.

So...how do these answers help to distinguish between the family who chooses home schooling as an alternative placement to public schools (currently allowed to participate on the local public school team), and the family who chooses private school as an alternative placement to public schools (currently NOT allowed to participate on the local public school team)?

Private school =/= home school

bascially, my point on the first 3 were to say that just because one pays taxes, it doesn't give that person the automatic right to be on a team, but it does give them the opportunity.

To me, it is no different than a coach asking parents to host an exchange student to beef up their team. Here is a kid that comes to the country, does not have family that pays taxes, and could take the place of another kid that has grown up in that district because the coach just wants to win without developing their own players.

Isn't this really what this is all about...people don't want to lose? If you get beat by a home school team, then what does that mean? (rhetorical question there)

I don't see the problem with allowing them on teams or allowing them to compete in a league.