I am sorry I did not make my point more clearly. Let me try again (with the fire truck analogy). It was intended as a point of argument against allowing home-schoolers to play sports at public schools, and to refute the point that, by virtue of paying taxes, home-schoolers are owed the opportunity, by pointing out that most of us pay taxes for services we may never use, but still benefit from. My quality of life is better when the general population is better educated and most education occurs in public schools. So, I don’t have to attend or send my kids there to benefit. Otherwise, when my kids are out of school, I would not have to pay taxes for schools. My quality of life is better when the fire department puts out the fire down the street before my house catches on. So, I want and benefit from a good FD and a good educational system whether I use them or not.
I will say again that cherry-picking programs that meet our standards for our kids is wrong, in my opinion. But, that genie is out of the bottle and I don’t see her going back in.

The Weather Is Here. Wish You Were Beautiful.