


Since High School soccer has gone underground in the Upstate I had to hire a private investigator to find out whats going on.(This guy is good. Same person who uncovered Riverside paying off refs a few years ago). He said that there is high school soccer this year and was not played at the beginning of the year as I feared. I was afraid I missed it.
From what I gathered it looks like Eastside will sweep the 3a state championship but the girls match against Hilton Head will be worth watching. Wren is having a nice season with their Boise State schedule but that will come to screeching halt in playoffs.
4a will match Mann boys with Wando. I see a 3-1 win for Mann in another match worth attending. 4a girls is wide open. We already stuck a fork in mauldin. Wando is 1-0 after their impressive win against Hilton Head but it is just there first game of the season. Viking cup was not included in this investigation since its not reality. Mann is still confusing to me since they too are just 1-0 beating a good Hanna team. Riverside is doing it with smoke and and mirrors plus a great coach and Wade hampton seems to have found an offense to go with their defense this year.
Lexington, South Aiken, Dutch Fork could send Wando home but I'm going to say Mann and Wando in finals with a 6-1 win. First half will be entertaining.
My investigator hasn't finished the 1a and 2a bracket but who cares.
This could change as soon as Mann finishes playing Mauldin, Christ and hanna again. This will help the investigator to determine if its the same ol mann or if they found the killer instinct this year. With Riverside no longer paying off refs this changes the landscape of the playoffs.
Mann girls should finish number one in polls at the end of regular season after Riverside gets upset by Eastside and Wando loses their last match against Academic Magnet so thats cool.
Also I see the referee blog has started again. Move on from that. You have as many as 80 games going at one time in the state and you still wonder why there isn't 160 good refs on that day. Jeez

You had me until the Mann girls with a 6-1 win against Wando in the State Championship. You really can't be serious. If you are, you have given the Mann players a whole lot to live up to. How about you just let them play the games instead of making ridiculous predictions? If I knew who you were, I would place a pretty confident bet that no team will score six goals in the state championship. Mann is a very good team, but your arrogance doesn't help the team. It's best to lay low and impress on the field.

I will ask again if your coach and the other Mann parents appreciate all of your talk on the forum. One person can make a whole team look bad, and parents just need to control themselves and let their kids play.

Arrogance??? Mann???

That's two peas in a pod!!!

Whats that song bomber. Its hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way