Backscreen17 let start out with this. If you have a concern about the quality of a referee then be a part of the solution and don't bash but help the referee get better. I work a full time regular job getting up at 4am during the week getting off around 5pm then off to do a HS match or weekday club match getting home late around 10pm. Makes for a long day and I give it my all every time I step out on the pitch. I don't get every call right and I do miss calls but I care enough about the match to do my very best and try to learn with every match I am involved in so that I get better. I attend matches that I don't get paid for and mentor fellow referee's to help them and glad to do this for this is the only way to get better is to have help. Yes there are good referee's in every area of our state and some that if helped could also be just as good. I will end with this I would like to invite you to attend one of our certification clinics and get certified and help our referee's get better.