James, I've gone back through all received message since 2010 -- all that I've gotten -- and unless you've changed your handle, there is none from you.

I strongly disagree on the fitness issue. Physical fitness is a BASELINE qualification. Kind of like 20/20 vision. And based on my VERY MODEST suggestions above, it sounds like you'd probably pass, even 15-20 pounds overweight. You're right that fitness is no guarantee of competence. But visible LACK of fitness invites all kinds of problems when a call is (inevitably) missed because the ref or AR is 30 yards behind the play. When the goal is AUTHORITY, perception IS important. That's why you wear a nice uniform, and not ratty gym shorts.

You're also right about referees having SOME (very limited) say in assignments, but based only on geography/logistics. When presumably good officials (such as yourself) refuse assignments at certain venues because of "redneck" fans, they leave those matches to lesser colleagues. The REALITY is, good referees should work the difficult or "hot" venues precisely because they're most qualified to defuse problems BEFORE they start. Strong officials ACCEPT a challenge; they don't pass it off to less experienced or less qualified counterparts.