It blows my mind to see 2 adults acting the way you 2 have. Your reactions to what teenagers on a website have said show your high level of immaturity. Remember YOU ARE THE ADULT. While both of you may have brought your programs along in skill, I highly doubt that your players have learned an ounce of discipline from either of you. If they have learned how to be disciplined then it was not from your example. A coaches role on this site is to be informative of his team's results or inquisitive of any topic that may BENEFIT his/her team.
Marion Coach, you brought much of your criticism upon yourself by declaring that Marion is going to be great prior to the season, and so far your record is awonderful 1-8. With 3 losses by 10 or more goals.
Wilson Coach, your points had some merit, but you did not state your case in professional manner. Why does it matter if the Marion team, fans, etc. say they are great? It does not effect you or your team.
Both of you should spend less time acting like high schoolers and spend more time acting like a coach. As I stated before, YOU ARE THE ADULTS.