To SCHSSCA Members and those concerned:

I spoke with SCHSL soccer representative Skip Lax for half an hour on the issue of the locale of the state finals. Those that know me, know that I am passionate about high school soccer and demand that prep soccer be treated equally among football, basketball, baseball, etc. and to basically not take a backseat to any other sport. I informed him that the SCHSSCA was not happy with the way the SCHSL handled the move of the state championships and I want to convey a summary of our discussion.

1. Richland One informed Skip on April 26 that Memorial Stadium would not be suitable for the finals this year due to field conditions.

2. Skip, per the SCHSSCA request last fall to move the finals to Lexington HS (if Stone Stadium at USC was not an option), reached out to Lexington HS and they informed him that the finals would interfere with the spring football game on May 17.

3. Skip contacted me and asked me for alternative sites. in order, due to field conditions and accessibility, as well as taking into account the needs of the SCHSSCA workers, I suggested: (1) Irmo; (2) Chapin; (3) Blythewood; (4) Dutch Fork. Skip contacted Irmo and Chapin and both cited school construction as the reason why they could not host. I believe, not certain, that Blythewood either didn't reply or had a football conflict (again not sure). I think, Dutch Fork's reason had to do with visitor seating - again, not sure.

4. Skip then said that Gilbert HS athletic director Barry Harley offered his venue for the host site. When informed, I told him the largest drawbacks were the locale (not central) and that the field was not very wide (maybe 58-60 yards). I suggested that the SCHSL look into Airport HS Eagle Stadium as a possibility. Skip did go over to AHS and inspect the facility along with athletic director Kirk Burnett. Skip had reservations about the drain covers adjacent to the touchlines and the fact that the locker rooms would require teams to walk across the gym floor (cleats, etc.)

5. Gilbert HS was thus chosen as the venue. I was told that the field has been widened a bit for the championship weekend, but no exact dimensions were given.

6. I essentially told Skip that the SCHSSCA has some members adamant about the future of the finals and that Stone Stadium, or a more suitable central locale be established for 2014 and beyond. I even told him that the SCHSSCA had considered a boycott of this years' games (No ticket takers, concession workers, hanging banners, pumping up balls, ball chasers, press box personnel, etc.), but realize this would be unfair to those participating in this years' finals. I told him that we were at an impasse due to the fact that Jerome Singleton has stated that 'he doesn't want to hear from coaches.'

7. Skip assured me that the best thing that we as an association can do is to have school Principals push this measure via the Activities Committee in the appropriate manner. I am encouraging every Boys/Girls Varsity, JV, B-Team, Middle School to contact YOUR principal today to alert them to this issue facing our sports' future. Let your principals know that the resounding wish of the SCHSSCA is to play at the University of South Carolina's Eugene E. Stone III Stadium, but if that is not an option (due to Jerome's incredulous bias of one-side seating despite no measures to separate basketball/baseball fans and an issue that we have already addressed if use of Stone is granted), then we at least need a viable venue in Columbia for the general good of the game.

8. One final note, Skip reiterated to me that another issue facing prep soccer is the lack of conduct that has been displayed in recent years by student bodies attending the state championships. There have been instances each of the last three years in Class 3A and Class 4A matches that have marred the image of high school soccer in the eyes of the SCHSL. Repeated use of foul language directed at participants in the games or the other schools student section; non-adherence to stated rules of the SCHSL -- no signs, banners, flags, horns, etc.; have tainted our sport. Despite fines levied to schools and on-site requests of principals and ADs to curb the chants and actions of the student sections this has persisted. Often with the administrators doing absolutely nothing to curtail the actions. It is up to our 'soccer folks' to instruct the students prior to attending the finals that their actions are hurting our sport. Please relay this to the participating crowds this weekend.