Given that both teams will be paying on the same field, the field should not be a factor in determining the victor. It sounds to me like many of you are already looking for a reason to explain why your team lost. I would think that you would be more interested in how the officials are chosen. If the fields are that poor then maybe the womens and mens programs at Gilbert should have been given byes straight to the finals.

Gilberts fields are only a few years old. There was some damage done to the field several years ago by a rival school but that has been taken care of. If you are using Google Earth then make sure that you are looking at the current field adjacent to the high school not the old field which is in poor condition.

Are the dimensions that are cited the dimensions of the current field or the old field?

There is also plenty of room for parking and if you have the ability to read a map then you shouldn't have any problems getting to the fields.