"the so called band nerd with the trumpet is a 6"3" 280 all region football player bound for college football in the fall"

Yet he has nothing better to do with his time than blowing a horn at soccer games, then getting on the internet and bragging about it? Sounds like a future star to me.

"A soccer nerd like you may want to be carefull with your mouth before a real athlete grabs you by the neck and squeezes your soccer nerd head off"

First, I've never played organized soccer in my life. Basketball's my sport. Second, not ONE of those kids from NA will touch me. I laugh just thinking about it.

"Also, your opinions in other posts about opposing players and teams is typical soccer nerd BS!"

Good call. You can tell I've been a soccer nerd all my life, right?

"I just wanted headstrong to know that the trumpet player was not some band nerd as he said and he shouldn't make threats"

I made no threats. All I'm saying is that both #7 and #14 would beat any one of those dudes' asses. I don't care how big the trumpet player is.

"Also the guys playing the trumpet are trying to add some excitement and enthusiasm to the games which would help high school soccer grow in popularity and result in larger attendance and participation at games"

No. Not at all. They do it for the attention. It has no bearing on the game itself, it just attracts attention to them, and that's what they want. Think about it. If they were doing it to add some excitement to the game and to hopefully help NA win, would they be bragging about how annoying they are? More power to em. Doesn't mean they aren't nerds though.