DMBwhodi, you gay and you dont even know what your talking can you say we dont even put a decent team out there in any sport? yea aiken was good this year and yall beat us but before that please tell me the last time aiken beat NA, yea u dont know punk bc it was so long we went out in the 2nd round just like the almighty aiken yall suck but im glad yall beat SA to get that 4th place playoff spot, but SA sucks yall are good i give you that but i hope we split with yall just like we did last year. SA is good at this 2 but we beat them once already.Football- aiken has been good over the years in football but we did beat you this year and time when u post try to know a little bit about what you're talking about instead of just bs-ing.

P.S. tell statboy he needs to run sprints with the aiken soccer team to lose some of that weight haha