I see nothing wrong with it as long as the score is high enough that it hardly happens and it is more of a judgement call for the ref than a set rule.

Once a game gets to the point that neither team is benefiting from its continuation then it should end.

No one wants to watch a good team play keep away or watch them take turns running plays were only one player is allowed to score. Or to the extreme where the team was told they had to dribble the ball across the line if they wanted to score.

And let's keep in mind that blow outs are just as bad for the winning team as the losing team. We went from an 8-0 game where the losing team didn't have a shot on goal to playing a very tough team and you could tell our team had a hard time adjusting. If you play hard against a team that hasn't won a game in two years you'll crush them, but when you play back and take it easy you develop bad habits that hurt you against good teams.

I think this is a bigger problem on the girls side though since the disparity between the good teams and the not so good is much bigger than on the boys side.