What is the proper protocol for having a ref removed from reffing games. The individual in question is actually the assignor and has been reffing for 30 plus years. He has consistently gotten worse as the years have gone on to the point where he loses total control of the games and has caused players to get hurt. And before anyone thinks this is sour grapes it isn't. The team I pull for has never lost a game he has reffed I am just concerned for the safety of the kids playing. He consistently misses serious infractions and kids have actually been injured due to this. He gave a yellow card to a kid and told the kid it was for something he did 10 minutes prior. I have been videotaping some of the games he refs and was wondering if the SCHSL or the School District has the authority to remove him. I personally know that none of the club teams will allow him to ref. I just need direction on who I should send the tapes to for viewing.