Good luck in your quest. Maybe you can take the USSF Grade 8 class, start refereeing USSF then for the short time period of high school, referee that as well. Referees do not wake up in the morning and decide that they are going to referee so that players get injured. Player safety is the #1 goal of refereeing. You have to understand that soccer refereeing is a game of angles. Your angle may be different than his and vice versa. Do referees get it right everytime???? Probably not but they try hard too. You have to understand that we are talking high school soccer. Unlike league play where most of the kids are the same age, high school is different. You could have a 14yoa playing against an 18yoa player. BIG difference. The yellow card given 10 minute later???? well the referee decided that it needed to be done at that time to control the player/team/game. Cards are given to change the behavior of a player/team/game. I hope that this helps you understand soccer refereeing. Your videos can always be sent to the high school league for review but as i started this reply, Good Luck in your quest.