
I would suggest you begin refereeing or encourage former players in the area to take the class as I do. I would suggest putting your efforts to increasing the talent of the local referees than having one removed.

A number of years ago when my daughter was playing club ball in the premier bracket I became the parent that every Ref hated to see near the touchline. During one game against some upstate rivals I completely lost my cool as a girl from the other team was throwing elbows to one of our girls, that the Ref did not see.(my daughter wasn't ever on the pitch when this was happening). Long story short I removed myself before I lost what was left of my self control or lack of it. I decided that if things were to ever get better I needed to step up and see if my actions could speak louder than my words. I am now living in the UK and am closing out my first season working in a men's league. I find myself adjusting my style to the type of play over here. Every game I take away something that I can do better or remember to do next game. I feel beat-up at the end of some games, but I remember why I started and that keeps me going. As I heard a parent during a game I worked in Columbia complain about one of the Ref crew I realized that how wrong people are to criticize if they are not willing to step up and try and make things better. Step up and Raise the bar, become the Ref that you want to see calling you kids game