The fact that you had the audacity to even create a post like this is so absolutely outrageous that I purposely created an account just to comment on this.

As Nuke'em said, the age/size difference is the main problem and the mindset that highschool is less skilled; therefore more physical play occurs. Another thing is, I don't understand why everyone blames the referee for all injuries???? Just because he misses a serious foul play doesn't change that fact that a injury occurs. Considering he can't predict a foul, injuries are going to happen. But please, explain to me how the hell a referee is going to stop an injury from occurring from a random foul occurring?

And like everyone else had said, why don't you try and participate? Or why don't you try to get involved and increased referee training? Right now there is a severe shortage of 'high school referee' simply because of the age requirements. Rather than complaining, you should be happy that this referee has put in so many years.