Injuries, I feel, would be a completely separate several have said, they would probably be on the eligibility list already, and they should be supporting the team throughout their injury period (if their injury allows) through attendance and support at games, assistance at practice in whatever capacity they are able, etc.

Unlike the Academy issue, injured players are not off the high school soccer field by choice. Additionally, a player who is coming off a long-term injury and has not been able to practice or play throughout most of the season is not going to have the same kind of impact on the game as one who has spent that time training and playing at a highly advanced level and then brings those skills to the high school field once that season is done; bringing an injured player back into play near the end of the season would not be considered "bringing in a ringer."

Here's a thought. The DA has made its position clear--any player who participates on a high school team during the DA season will not be allowed to participate in the DA. Would it be out of line for the High School League to reciprocate equally with a rule stating that any player who participates in the DA during the high school season will not be allowed to participate in High School League play?

Seems fair...

I've got good news and bad news...