At the end of the day if the shoe was on the other foot the argument would be going in the same way. To lose a state championship like that is just crummy no matter who is on the losing side. It was a hard call for anyone to make and it did look like the middle ref was just ready to get the game over. It was a tough game for both teams, in the first half Mann possessed the ball 65-70% and just could not find the net, I think a lot of factors played in this game. How much does Lexington play on turf? Mann does not play on turf at all and as most of you know has probably the worst field condition in the upstate. You could see from the start of the game those girls we off on the turf, the ball played much faster then they were use to and due to that turned the ball over a lot. The heat was a factor and you could see that start taking a toll as the game went on with the cramps and just the pace of the game.
My daughter wanted a state championship possibly more than anyone on that field and it hurts to lose, it hurts even more to lose with so much controversy. Lexington is a good team, are they better, I am not sure about that, it looked pretty even, take out some of the other influences of this game and I think we would have really seen who was the better team, unfortunately we will never know.