was at match yesterday....poor venue choice. Both scoreboard and PA system were not properly functioning...the game: if Mann had committed to stopping Lexington's #10 as well as Lexington committed to stopping Mann's #12 then Mann wins in regulation .. Coming-out of a water break at 20 minutes with a 1-0 lead, particular attention should have been paid at the price of going forward, which opened up the ball over the top. Mann's defenders lacked focus and urgency needed to close out and win championship.. ... thought Lexington had several high quality shots that the Mann keeper did well to stop....thought Mann squandered their procession edge by trying to force play down the right side when direct runs a Lexington's center backs had more success i.e. when they scored....The ref? The OT non-call when Mann's #13 had her shoulder and shirt pulled in the box. You didn't need a high mega pixel camera with a telephoto lens to see that she was closer to the ball than the keeper and was kept from getting to it by being pulled from behind.... to not give it was unprofessional....thought the goal was a goal but not sure how anyone could be definative, very close and maybe too close to call especially when the ref passed on the foul in the box. Exciting match with lots of drama and opportunity for second guessing.