I was at the game and can confirm the back of the net moved after it skimmed the top of the cross bar on the final goal. The video / pics show clearly the ball had crossed the black goal line. Great display of refereeing by the sideline official to inform the center ref that this was a goal. The classless post game interview from the JL Mann coach was unbelievable. How could anyone want their child to play for a coach that is a horrible role model for their kids like that man. I would be embarrassed to be a part of a program that is led by a man like that. He was out coached all game by Chris Fryland and Kelley Maupin. Instead of having someone shadow Lex's #13 who was clearly the best player on the field at all times the JL Mann coach let her roam free in the middle of the field all game. If the JL Mann coach was as worried about shutting down Lex's talented sophomore offensive players (#12, #10, #13) as he was about the refereeing maybe he would have had clearly seen #13 destroying his team all game and made a change defensively. It's very easy to make an excuse and blame officials when you were outcoached and lost to a superior program. The tough thing to do is accepting a loss and showing respect to the new 4A Girls State Champions Lexington. I'm glad we were all able to see which road the JL Mann coach chose to take by that classless post game interview. What a shame.