From all I've seen, this was a hard-fought championship between two excellent teams who both proved beyond a doubt that they deserved to be there. I think most will agree when I say I'd rather see a match decided on the field in the waning OT than have it decided in kicks from the mark...the latter doesn't say nearly as much about the overall quality and effort of the teams.

Regardless of what the AR said or didn't say, did or didn't do, or how anyone in the heat and excitement of the moment perceived it, there is no reasonable doubt from the video that the entirety of the ball crossed the entirety of the black goal line. The ball crossed into the goal and a goal was awarded...that's about as fair as it can be.

The bottom line is that both teams obviously played like champions. Both teams were deserving, but only one could walk out as the winner, and Lexington did what they had to. You can call the angle of the ball off the crossbar luck, but creating the opportunity for a shot on goal at that range took skill and effort.

In the end, it was a championship decided by inches, and that's how it should be remembered.

I've got good news and bad news...