Originally posted by BobF:
Daniel 11 and L E 1

LE-Dude any comments? I think you guys have played a lot of folks...


Like I said earlier..I think Dreher or BC (I haven't seen/heard much about MB this year..so I can't really say) will put up a good fight at State this year..but (and especially after last night)..the title is still the Up-State's.

I was very impressed by Daniel..even though they lacked intensity..but I guess you don't really need intensity when you're playing such inferior competition.

It was nice to meet you Bob..and I'm assuming you're the Fuzy(sp)'s father/relative.. Anyways..they may have been the best players I've seen all season..especially Mitch.

By the way. Goal for LE was scored by Jack Rozier(Me)..not that it really matters.