Why are all the Aiken players still complaining about this game? Aiken lost, and Spring Valley lost in the following round.. so why is this of any concern to anyone now? Spring Valley played a better game or else they wouldn't have won.. You can't place the blame on the referees. The officials in the Lexington V Greenwood game were the worst I've seen in my highschool career and there's nothing more you can do about it than play the game. Spring Valley took it to Lexington in the second round and showed who was the better team. If you're an under-classman.. then you should celebrate your successful season and prepare for next year.. if not.. then life moves on just like it does with everyone else. Why show how sore losers you can be after the playoffs are over and done. It makes both you and your school look bad. Irmo won it all and whether Aiken had defeated Spring Valley or not it would not have guarenteed them a championship.