Austin Moody committed to play soccer for USC? To bad the kid made great on the SAT and got academic money. He is gettin ZERO soccer money, Berson told him that he could play b/c he doesn't have to worry about giving him any money...Their number one goalie signed with an agent so wouldn't it seem as if he would go there and start? Oh wait... you have Mike Gustavson coming in from SA on a soccer scholarship...Moody have fun watching Mike play for the next 4 years! If the midget in the midfeild steps on the feild in the next four years at usc i will be very dissappointed in Mark Berson...Good luck to both Irmo's D-1 prospects but the when reality hits, doesn't look to bright, Phil is a great coach tho...I'll give that to him, he'll take crap and compete with it!