Yes thanks to Emerald for hosting this tourney, it was a lot of fun. I believe Emerald is a good team, and played pretty well together seeing as it was this early in the season, and I can def. see them getting a lot better this year. I believe Pendleton is better than what they appeared at this tournament...they kinda got the shaft in scheduling (seeing as Emerald was in charge of that one, and were covering there own butts) by placing them with back-to-back games, but oh well...good job anyways. Oh and tell #9 to learn to pass, lol. I do not think Palmetto will surprise anyone this season. They seemed to be consistant in all of three games. #1 (fransisco I believe), was the opnly one with any kind of touch on teh ball...and #6 def. gets the award for worst hacker ever, and the cocky award in one. Man he likes to talk, but has nothing to back it up. It was actually kind of humorous. I think SSC is the team to watch. Pulling off a 2nd place in the tourney, when expected to lose, and having their 2 starting center mids gone, was pretty impressive to anyone watching I'm sure. People always underestimate the "small 1A Christian's"...cough cough PALMETTO, but man does 2nd feel's 4th?