marcoefan: Very touchy? What did I say that showed I was defensive -- or even emotional? I think Rhodes is a superb trainer and a very good coach and I made my case for that -- that's about it.

Am I Rhodes? Dude, that's called "argument ad hominem" -- you're questioning my comments as having bias by implying that I might be the person under discussion. Not only is it a logic fallacy; it's also false. It's easy to figure out who I am -- a month or two ago I changed my screenname from "Mark Campbell" to "Chico" in honor of an adopted racing greyhound and noted it on the message board itself so I wouldn't be accused of hiding.

My children don't play in Aiken, nor will they play in Aiken in the foreseeable future. One of my children did play on some SYL teams and train with some other SYL teams coached/trained by Rhodes last summer; that and reputation are the only way I know very much about him.

Now that I've been clear about who I am, who are you, marcoefan?