Okay, in talking to that "sad" player personally, what he was saying was "I can't believe they missed the handball AND the goal"..but that's only what he says he was saying at the time. I wasn't on the field, and he has never lied to me before, that I know of, of course, I haven't known him very long, so maybe he was making that up..but then again...Get the point?!?!? Anyway, you will notice that the first thing the boys do is look to the linesman for his call. I think the coach on the sidelines tells the story about the call anyway. Say what you will about these players, but they rarely argue a call. That doesn't mean it isn't questioned or debated, but I'm talking about getting in a ref's face and arguing the call. Another thing, I haven't seen one player from Irmo on this site posting anything regarding the game. I guess as far as they are concerned, it's over. So why not let it end?