Otay 'panky, wasn't it "he-man wimn haters club"??? You're funny SM4eva! Hey momofcn#18! What was the diagnosis on the keeper, muscle tear or broken bone.

Don't you know that if you've an intelligent, productive, taxpaying member of society you're just stupid. You have to be a immature, homophobic, super genius to post here. Oops, I'm in the wrong place.

Seriously, it reminds me of being at a college game one fall evening, and hearing some local HS boy players criticizing the girls team from his school who had won the state title. They were talking about how the girls couldn't compete against them, and how so and so on his team was gay, and how everybody else sucked. It was so cute. What's curious is rumor has it his mom's a stripper. Can't figure out why he had such low opinions of strong, competitive women. Funny though, the boys team hasn't made it to the state finals yet. Go figure. Just can't match wits when my opponent has none. A good day to all you ladies, you too girls, you know who I mean!!!