Originally posted by SC_cap'n:
There is no conspiracy theory. I'm not a liar. I'm not a rookie. I'm not aggravated and I didn't mess up. I didn't engage in name calling. (Voracious means insatiable, and for Bigsby's sake, insatiable means that you just can't get enough.) I really don't think I'm going to be taking advice on literacy from someone who professes (sorry Biggie ~ claims) to be from the great state of Mississippi and it's whopping 50th ranking in the most recent NIL survey.

I simply want more information. I'm not invited. I accept that. I'd like information on how to be invited in the future, what procedures are in place for determining who's invited, and by getting involved in the process what procedures exist for morphing (sorry again Bigs, changing)current policy. I'm assuming the majority of the posters in here are like me and don't know but I also assume that there are those out there who do know and could answer my question.

I'm sorry I don't speak Spanish.
I am your friend out here compadre'
This burrito is good but it is WAYYYY too filling.