I don't have the stats from the ben lippen games today. However I'd like to note that in the Dutch Fork game, Kip Amaker was a machine. He not only continuously fouuled ben lippen players, but also his own players. I think the final foul count was something like 26-12 (ben lippen with 12) but 2 yellows for ben lippen and no cards for dutch fork (I don't know how you can get called for 26 fouls and not get at least one card for PI).
Northwestern 3-1 Ben Lippen
1-0 ben lippen 20 minutes in, and Northwestern answered. with 9 minutes left Northwestern was awarded a PK to make it 2-1. Then in the final seconds of the match they finished on the corner. I personally am proud of the showing that Ben Lippen had in the tournament. I think we were the only Scisa team to win a game this weekend.