Okay. Warning: Long!

First of all..I'd like to say: What a GREAT pre-season tournament. Thoroughly enjoyed myself today!

As for what I saw.

9AM - Irmo/Northwestern: 3-1 NW

My first impression of Irmo..small. Just couldn't get over their lack of size. As the game got underway..Enzo Martinez (as the kids are saying) is "straight sick nasty"..seriously. Northwestern definitely controlled the majority of the match. There was little to NO communication between Irmo's keeper and the fullbacks..and Northwestern just tore them apart..playing balls into that space and letting the confusion do the work. The Irmo goal came pretty late and was merely consolation. Enzo, Andrew Phillips, and Ryan Kropp(despite his hair) were a great offensive tandem for NW.

11AM - Ben Lippen/Dutch Fork: 0-1(OT) DF

First- Whoever said earlier that DF controlled from the second half on..is mistaken. If I learned anything from the two Ben Lippen matches I watched today. It's that they are a SOLID second half team. If you don't put them away early..you're in for a tough one.
So- DF started the match without a lot of their starters..taking BL lightly of course. DF still kept the ball on the BL half for most of the 1st..but BL started getting the ball into the attacking third..and I think after a close call.. the starters for DF (Hite, Goulet, Sams) came in. But it was too late. BL found their rythym and the rest of the match was fairly even. I'd still probably give the possession advantage to DF..and they did miss a few quality chances to distance themselves..(Goulet missing at least 4 just outside the post)
Another note on the officiating (which overall was very solid)..not only does it boggle my mind that Kipp Amaker himself had 7 fouls with no yellow.. but that a penalty was called inside DF's box..and BL was awarded a FREE KICK.. and not a PK!!
Long story short.. Ben Lippen had a monster game..and yes DF was missing Cates but BL didn't have four starters too.. a great match..just a shame to see a valiant effort fall short.

3PM - Ben Lippen/Northwestern: 3-1 NW

..pretty much the same story. Valiant effort..but just came up short. Totally different match than NW/Irmo. Excellent play from the BL keeper and SUPER fast defense #12 Justin (forget lastname). Still would give a slight advantage in possession to NW..but there was certainly NO domination of any kind.
As was said earlier..BL scored first..and was answered shortly after. Then the rain got a little heavier and the play became a bit more physical. Couldn't help but feel that the refs were a bit apprehensive about carding for something malicious..but were more than ready to card for dissent. Anyway..VERY physical match. BL really stepped it up and challenged 50/50 balls. The offense that resulted in a PK for NW was nothing that hadn't been going on for the last 20min. ..so there was a consistency issue there. And then the 3rd goal came with less than a minute before the final whistle.
Great GREAT performance from BL keeper, Kade #13, #4 Eric?, #12 Justin, and #15 in the middle.
..side note: The new NW coach was absolutely RAILING his team at the half.

5PM - Chapin/Norman North: 3-1 NN

Only stayed for the first half. 3-0 Norman at the half. There was no real point in sticking around. Chapin couldn't get ANYTHING past the NN defense..and the NN attack was just too much despite some excellent play from the Chapin keeper. Also..was kind of disappointed in the Chapin crowd. For it being at their place..there wasn't much support..and the voices that were there weren't very positive. Just an observation.

..left that match to go over to Eastside/DF

Eastside/DF was a perfect example of why PKs are a HORRIBLE way to finish a match. Eastside CONTROLLED that game..and the 2nd goal by #9 Rengifo was just..ridiculous. Burned a couple of DF defenders..then dribbled into the 18 and unloaded a MONSTER rocket to the NEAR post.. DF keeper just looked stunned. 2nd goal for DF was off a mistake by an EHS defender but props to DF for finishing. I can't stress enough though..the quality touch EHS had..their movement as a team.. all of it..was very impressive. DF never gave up though..and that's why they play the game.

So..I guess that concludes my summary. Excellent soccer all around..props to all the players I watched..good stuff!

(haven't proofread..so..sue me.)